Sunday, August 16, 2009

Breakfast Nook

Our current living space is oddly arranged, has heating issues and over looks an alley way. You can't beat the location though:) The only thing I wish I could change was the space issue; we currently do not have space for an eating area. The size of our kitchen barely contains the presence of two people and the room off the kitchen had to be turned into a study area rather than a place of eating; we have an enormous hand me down Tuscan style table that we use as a desk and every crook and cranny is entirely lined by books and other miscellaneous odds and ends. So where do we eat?.....well...on our coffee table in the living room. But before you think things could get any worse I assure you that we turn off the tv while we eat... most of the time.

So we daydream of nicely sized kitchens with a space for a breakfast nook. If I had my druthers I would buy a round pedestal breakfast table or a small marble topped table like the one above (Billy Joel's little NYC nook) and some chic bistro chairs to vary up the look and we would be set. Bistro chairs come in a variety of sizes and materials; from rattan, wood to aluminum. Apartment Therapy has a nice little article on where to buy bistro chairs (high end to affordable) that is worth a read. Here are some images I've saved (a couple came from The Little Big House blog which is also worth a read)

And here are some long table images with the classic bistro chairs. Nice eh?


Lindsay said...

Where you been?? I'm missing my weekly fashion/decorating inspiration!

Caroline said...

Lindsay- send me an email at