Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Lullaby:Clare and the Reasons: Wake Up (You Sleepy Head)

My mom is far, far way in the Land of Oz and I miss her greatly. I miss our talks over coffee first thing in the morning, snuggling in bed watching telenovelas, gossiping, laughing over silly things. I miss her soft hands touching my face reassuring me everything will be ok. I miss her beautiful green eyes that don't miss a thing; my every nuance, gesture, sigh is understood. She knows me better than I know myself. I miss her most on days like these because I wish I could see her in person to tell her how much I appreciate every word of encouragement, every I love you, every hug and kiss.

I found this lullaby today that made me think of her. This goes out to all the hard working moms, the soon to be moms and those that are trying to be moms but are having a hard time at it. You are appreciated and loved!!