Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I'm not sure how the above celebrity came to the conclusion that too much sleep causes aging (because well... you are going to age no matter what) but I have to say getting a good nights sleep makes me look fresh, alert and not the least bit old. I would probably use a little less make-up to hide my raccoon eyes if I slept at least 8 hrs a day. These days I've been slacking off with my general upkeep hence the tired, washed out look I've been pulling off the past month or so. I came up with a list of things (because you know I love lists) to help improve my overall well-being and appearance. Here's my commitment list that I am going to try to keep up with:

1. Drink 2 liters of water a day: I'm actually really good at keeping up with this during the work week. I have a nalgene bottle that I keep filled with water at my desk that I drink from. Only problem is that I'm spending more time walking to the bathroom than working! On the weekends I drop the ball. Perhaps I need to buy another nalgene bottle to keep at home.

2. Waxing: Keep up with the monthly appointments! I hate waxing and the ensuing blotchiness/bumps I get from it but after my skin recuperates I love the results.

3. Take my vitamins: For some reason this is such a chore for me. I've never liked swallowing pills but I know I'm not getting the complete nutrition I need. Perhaps I should get myself one of those vitamin dispensers to help keep me organized.

4. Manicure/Pedicure: I'm looking at my hands as I type this post and my nails are in bad repair. I'm lucky that my nails (and hair) grow in quick and strong but they need some TLC. I always put this off thinking it is a unnecessary grooming expense but it is similar to getting a great haircut... you always feel like a million bucks afterwards. A small price to pay for a boost in your self esteem!

5. Beauty Sleep! I only get around 6-7 hrs a sleep a night if I'm lucky. I have to make a commitment to myself to be in bed by a certain time and stick to it.

6. Eat healthier: We are eating more salads, grilling frequently and eating out allot less (1x week). But I need to increase my fruit and veggie intake everyday day, snack healthier (dried fruit/nuts or a yogurt) and make myself eat flaxseed.

7. Exercise: Last but not least. I admit I have fallen off the bandwagon and I'm currently paying the price. Each year I freak out towards the end of Spring because my clothes don't fit which is alarming to say the least. I fit right in with the trend of women in my bracket gaining 5-10 pounds a year. I'm going to get back into attending my pilates classes 2x week, yoga 1x week and cardio 3x week (either by jogging or spinning).

It's never to late to start a healthy lifestyle!!! What are you doing to maintain your overall upkeep?

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