Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Baked Ziti with Spinach, Tomatoes and Sausage

There are times I'm very grateful for my google reader and last night was one of them because it saved me from making a sub par dinner for Jack. I had a really strong craving for sausage but I drew a blank on how to make a meal out of it. So I type in pasta and sausage and I find a recipe for Baked Ziti with Spinach, Tomatoes and Sausage that Stephanie at StephModo made for her family. It was delicious! Simple to make, surprisingly light yet hearty in flavor... it has become a new family favorite. Honestly I would probably discuss food more often on this blog if I didn't suck at taking photos (one of my goals is to remedy that) so the photo above was taken by Stephanie. Mine came out the same way- yummy and delicious!

I also made some slight modifications to the recipe:

1. I used whole wheat pasta because I'm on a whole wheat kick

2. I used extra pasta like Stephanie recommends

3. I used regular sausage (not hot Italian)

4. I sprinkled in some fennel seeds to amplify the flavor

We actually had a nice bottle of Beaujolais on hand and it went perfectly with this dish. I'm already salivating at the thought of eating leftovers tonight. Happy Eating:)

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