Friday, September 18, 2009

Leading Man

My sister unearthed this old photo taken at a Planet Hollywood event back in the mid 90's when we lived in Dubai. I was but a teenager when this photo was taken- 15 or so. My parents friend's invited us to the event and introduced us to Patrick Swayze and his beautiful wife Lisa. They were both so incredibly nice; no Hollywood airs to them at all. Very down to earth, gregarious and they made an awkward teenager feel like a million bucks.

On film I think I will remember him most for the vulnerability and strength he brought to to his characters- he was my favorite leading man. Tough with a heart of gold. He fought cancer with grace and dignity and was a leading man to the end of his life- truly an inspirational man on and off screen. He will continue to inspire and sway young girls hearts down the road because..well.. nobody puts baby in a corner. *Sigh* He is irreplaceable and will sorely be missed.

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