Monday, January 12, 2009

Calling Card Cases

How gorgeous are these antique calling card cases? Calling cards (and their fancy cases) were once de rigeur in the day. One would never make a house visit without one. The protocol was to leave your calling card (with the butler of course) and wait to be admitted after the person being called upon had reviewed and accepted the calling card. The calling card has really been making a resurgence lately and people have been using them instead of business cards to relay contact information in a more informal fashion. I hate having to hunt down a scrap of paper to write my email/and or phone number to an acquaintance or personal friend; it would be wonderful to carry my own personalized calling cards and in one of these antique calling card cases to boot!

The cases above attest to the popularity of the calling card. Some cases were simply made; others out tortoiseshell, mother-of-pearl, and silver and they were truly works of art. You can find these beauties at Simply Antiques.

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