Thursday, September 4, 2008

Clothes Make the Man

It's not all about the bride... right?!? The groom has to look sharp too. I found a couple of images going through my old MS magazines and I love this look. LOVE IT. It's unfussy and elegant. I'm usually really turned off by the boutonniere's I see out there; men typically look like they have a flower shrub on their chest. Here a single freesia blossom is tucked through the top hole on the lapel for a cleaner look and the pocket square adds a jaunty flair. I think utilizing the pocket square is a great way to add a little punch of style to a man's ensemble. It's the equivalent of the woman's handbag; it completes a look. For men that hate wearing ties you can still keep it stylish by forgoing the tie altogether and adding a pocket square for a sharp and elegant look.

The pocket squares I've looked at typically come in linen and silk. The linen pocket squares are typically "crisper" and more traditional. They have to be ironed out before folding to retain that crisp fold everyone loves. Silk pocket squares like the one below have a more billowy look to them so it really is a matter of preference. I'm not sure if you can see the tie below in detail but it has little fleur de lis on it! The colors also happen to coordinate with my bridesmaid dresses. If only I could get pocket squares with the same design/color! The tie comes from Duncan Quinn and they have a fabulous selection to choose from. Duncan Quinn is known for it's "rock and roll meets Saville Row" style. Check them out!

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