Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I smell like.... what???

So I chose my perfume, or my perfume has chosen me. I dragged Jack to Neiman Marcus (he has the good fortune of working two blocks off Michigan Avenue) and he was a good sport. As much as he huffs about going shopping with me, he knows he has good taste and he likes proving himself right. He didn't disappoint. We sniffed our way through 10 or so scents but we both kept going back to the Creed fragrances.

I wanted a perfume that was long lasting, subtle yet sensual, and suitable for an evening out on the town. I had a feeling I was probably going to veer towards the spicier scents vs the florals; and we did. I was tutored on how to wear perfume; it is important not to rub your wrists together after spraying perfume; it reduces, or bruises, the top layer of the perfume (I always thought it enhanced it). And a perfume smells different from person to person as we all have our individual body heat and inherent odor that personalizes the scents we wear.

My nose kept veering back to a lovely oriental scent called Tubereuse Indiana by Creed. A combination of tuberose, ambergrise, and amber with a welcoming hint of vanilla it is a non cloying, warm, sensual and elegant scent. It's also incredibly long-lived; the longer I wear it the sweeter and well-tempered it smells. The Creed specialist did something I've never seen before; she blended both the Tubereuse and Jack's scent of choice Green Irish Tweed. She wanted to determine if our scents matched and surprisingly they did. Both have hints of ambergris and musk and they are a match made in heaven. I was sold.

Given Jack's allergies we were advised to test the scents out, see if Jack had any adverse reactions to what we tried on, and come back the next day. I came home and looked up ambergrise and tuberose for fun. Holy cow batman do I have wacky olfactory appetites! Did you know ambergrise is a biliary secretion of the intestines of a sperm whale?!? Yes, sperm whale. Oh and it gets better. The lovely and expensive tuberose flower is known for its "honeylike and fatty sultry like notes... with similar notes like the scent of a woman's vulva or sweat". Apparently I have a suppressed liking for the smell of whales and vulva's; I wonder why the Creed specialist didn't divulge these little tidbits.. hmmm? No matter; vulva's and sperm whales it is and I smell beaaauuttifulll!!!

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