Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Style File: Nan Kempner

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I don't live in New York City nor think it's the epicenter of the world but I do find it and it's inhabitants fascinating. Especially the deceased Nan Kempner. I came across an article titled "How to Be a Park Avenue Princess" in New York Magazine back in 2004 and I was pleasantly surprised by Nan's humor and advice. As the article states, her father once told her that "she'll never make it on her face so she should be interesting" and well, isn't their some veracity in that for all of us regardless of how we look? This fashion icon died in 2005 of emphysema.

Here are my favorite tidbits:

As a muse to Yves Saint Laurent: “He taught me a very important thing: All a woman needs is a good trench coat, a pair of black pants, a long black skirt, a short black skirt, and lots of tops.”

Other tidbits: Get “tons” of sleep, entertain “constantly,” and “be yourself.” Oh, and this: “When you’re trying on clothes, look at yourself sitting down and look at your reflection from the back side.”

Here are the rules that I find applicable regardless of wealth:

Rule No. 1: Spend the money.“The Frick, Save Venice, and New Yorkers for Children are the three charities closest to my heart. If I have hours and hours to prepare for an event, trust me, I will spend hours upon hours getting ready.”

Rule No 3: never forget your gloves.

Rule No 4: Dress for lunch.

Rule No. 5: Make the effort.

The only rule (Rule No 2) I personally would throw out is to "always wear fur". I definitely think it is possible to find alternatives to a fur stole for a beautiful evening gown. Although not a "Park Avenue Princess" real life Princess Mary of Denmark should give her stylists a raise for this beautiful ensemble: A gorgeous iridescent purple evening gown with a velvet cape and matching amethyst tiara to boot. Plus aren't rules meant to be broken?

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