Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I love Paris in the Springtime

{Image via Flickr via inail1972}

Stacy over at la boudouir is visiting Europe for the first time and I can't wait to read about all her adventures and see Paris through her eyes. I'm a sucker for Paris, well France really and I always have and always will be. I can't think of anything more wonderful than having a charming flat in St. Germain des Pres where I could pretend to be witty and intellectual, drink cafe au lait at the cafe and smirk at tourists, and read and write to my hearts content. The last time Jack and I were in Paris we got engaged and all those cliche's you hear about Paris were suddenly a novelty- I was the cynic no longer. We were living in the romantic movie backdrop of Paris. If I were going back to Paris here are a couple of places I wouldn't want to miss:

Brasserie Balzar:

{Image via A Day in Paris}

This is where Jack and I ate after we got engaged. The food is unbelievable. Through our broken french we were able to order our meal and have a lively conversation with a funny Belgian lady next to us who wished us a hearty congratulations.


I've never been but I've heard the African hot chocolate is a delight. The lovely Vane over at Brooklyn Bride took this picture on her honeymoon.

The Musee Les Arts Decoratifs:

{Image via Flickr via jpguk}

This is probably one of my favorite museums of all time. I could stare at the wonderful textiles, jewelry and ceramics for hours.

{Image via Girl in the City}

I believe this is where the first bra was invented. I would probably spend a fortune getting made to measure lingerie.

Benneton Graveur

{Image via Benneton Graveur}

I would get a set of personalized engraved stationary from here. The selection is amazing.

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