Monday, May 25, 2009

Must Haves

I'm running out of make-up so its time to go on a little splurge and replenish my stash. I'm very fickle when it comes to eyeshadow and lipstick brands; or perhaps I'm too picky. Some lipsticks are too goopy, some taste rancid and others just don't last. I've tried those all day lipsticks (Chanel for instance) but I actually break out along my lip line when I wear them. Weird.. I know. There are only 3 products (ok- well 4) that I buy time and time again without fail that never leave me with buyer's remorse:

1. Blush: Nars Shimmer Blush during the winter and Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick Compact for summer. I love Chicago but I can't stand the fact that for 8 months out of the year I look pale and pasty. And I refuse to fake and bake. That leaves blush as my go to fix so I look somewhat human. Shimmer Brick does a wonderful job at creating a "glow" which is all you need for the summer (especially when you use a combo of the shimmer brick bronzer with blush). Nars orgasm blush I think just works for every skin tone, it lasts all day into the evening, and creates a natural delicate tinge.

2. Foundation: Shu Uemura Powder Foundation. It's light AND provides flawless coverage-you can't beat that. I use it as a foundation/powder all rolled into one. I have really sensitive skin and it doesn't bother me a bit. It lasts all day, has SPF 22, and it truly is sweat proof (no really). It makes my skin look soft and pretty. Leave it to the Japanese to put together a flawless face!

3. Concealer/Brightener: Yves St. Laurent Touche Eclat. The older I get the more pronounced my under eye circles become so this has become a necessity (*sigh*). This will instantly brighten your eyes with very light coverage.

What are your must haves? I need suggestions for eye and lip color brands!!

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