Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sitting Pretty: Part II

I was hoping someone would translate John Singer Sargeant's beauties into a photo op and Martha Stewart Weddings Fall 2002 did just that. I probably have every Martha Stewart Weddings Magazine since 2000- I'm not kidding. And instead of giving them away I'm saving each and every single one for my little sister when it's her turn to get married. When I do go through the back issues something different always catches my eye and I get re-inspired. In this case... the bridal portrait.

I think the bridal portrait is worth it depending on what you use it for. In the South, portraits of the bride are usually set outside of the reception on giant easels and in the bride's parents home. Vanity aside, it's a tradition that many hold dear, especially the family of the bride. I'm not so keen on having a full sized photo of me to dazzle the world (perhaps out of shyness maybe?), so I plan on buying some really nice frames and making the bridal portrait a gift to my parents and in-laws. If you plan on doing neither, then I would not recommend it. If it's part of a photography package then you can always ask your photographer to allocate it to something else; perhaps an engagement session, a morning after session etc. To get the most bang for the buck, do your hair and make-up trials the day of your bridal portrait. I've heard from others that its fun to do and it's nice to have the focus be on you. So if you need ideas on how to pose (your photographer will help you with this also), then here is some eye candy. Get yourself some rope pearls (yes... fake will do!), a coquettish fan and fabulous surroundings and have fun! Anyone else doing a bridal portrait and how are you making use of the photos?

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