Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Style File: Angelina Jolie

It's time for a hair-cut. Nothing drastic, just a trim. I'm one of those people that have had the same hair-cut for years and can't seem to let go. I've had long hair ever since the disastrous bobbed hair-cut I got in 6th grade that reduced my mom to tears and had me resembling a fungus. So I will keep it long, as long as I'm able wear mini-skirts (I think the age limit is 35- correct?). That means I have 8 more lovely years of long hair to match the mini skirts I don't wear but would like to have the courage to wear.

My inspiration is Angelina Jolie. I'm going for the subtly cascading layered "Vidal Sassoon" cut that will hopefully alleviate the weight of my hair so it flows better while maintaining my wedding day hair length. I'm a huge fan of Michael & Michael on Chicago Avenue and have been seeing them since I first moved to Chicago. Although they can't turn me into Angelina Jolie, I think they can work their magic and transform me into a better "me". Pics to come.

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