Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Running Tips

I've come across some good running tips for first time marathon runners that I thought I'd share. These tips are great for anyone regardless of the distance or speed you are running:

Bring on the body glide baby!

1. Aches and Pains: You know those stitches you get in your side that hurt like hell when you are in the middle of run? I usually pinch my side and run through the pain but I was told that raising your arms above your head and drinking lots of water before a run will help. How that works I don't know. I'll try it out tomorrow.

2. Shoes: The lighter the better as long as you have superior built in support for your arches.

3. Start Slow: The tortoise wins the race right? I remind myself each time to build upon my training slowly. My dad told me to increase my mileage each week by 10 % and I think that's a good way to go as long as you build into that some recovery time whether it's a couple days or weeks.

4. Recover: Which leads me to recovery time. Instead of training every day of the week I was told that 3 to 4 days of good running are just as good or better. Let your muscles rest.

5. Eat up on your carbs: Say what? I'm used to avoiding carbs like the plague and now I should eat them heartily?? Yes! Well it makes sense; the body needs fuel. The carbs help replenish the glycogen you lost and eating a little protein will help your muscles repair. Oh and eat a helping of carbs after a run.

6. Build up on your core. Having core strength will help you avoid running injuries. My college ballerina roommate had a rock hard 6 pack which put all of us gym rats to shame. It's important to build your core strength regardless of the sport you are participating in. It will help build your strength and stability.

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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