Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Shuffle

There.. I said it. For the entire world to see. Or more like a handful of family and friends. I just checked the website and they have a panic inducing countdown that is now at 164 days. I have to preface this post by saying I'm an abysmal runner but I try my damnedest. And nothing besides swimming does a better job at melting the fat off my face (and tush) and keeping me sane than a good run.

My love-hate relationship with running started in high school. I joined my high school cross-country team because, well, all you had to do was run. I wanted to fit in, join a sport so I could make friends. My siblings and I were the "new kids" in yet another country, another school. So I thought to myself, " It can't be that hard". I quickly dispelled the thought after our first grueling practice at 6 in the morning along the beaches of Dubai. There is nothing harder than running on sand with the humidity and heat already starting to creep up on your neck as you are speared with looks of bewilderment from locals as you run on by. I did OK and I actually managed to keep up with it through college and beyond. But now at the ripe old age of 26 I don't run, I don't really jog... I shuffle.

{Image via People Magazine}

Time to turn that around once and for all. If Katie Holmes can run a marathon then gosh darn it so can I. I may not have Xenu rooting me on, but I have my own cheerleeding squad of skeptical friends and family. Besides doing it as a personal goal I'm also running it for my good friend Rob who lives with PKD (Polycycstic Kidney Disease). I'll be part of the PKD team and hopefully we will raise money and awareness by doing so.

Training on my own is not cutting the mustard so I signed up for the Marathon Training Program at Chicago Endurance Sports. It's a custom, 21 week program with sessions held twice a week. You really are getting your bang for the buck so check out the site and see for yourself. I'll keep you all posted on how the training works out. The first kick-off meeting is this Sunday, May 4th so wish me luck!

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