So I was challenged to post 50 things about me and here it is in all of its glory. Some of it's tongue in cheek but all of it true!
50 Things About Me:
1. My ethnicity is Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, and Czech
2. I love making lists and crossing them off (like I am now!)
3. I was 19 yrs old when I met my husband and 27 when I married him
4. I learned I was scared of heights after a sky-diving attempt (my instructor couldn't push me out the airplane:)
5. Nursing homes make me sad
6. I don't like anyone touching my feet but me.
7. My favorite flowers are orchids and peonies but I love receiving wild flowers
8. My first concert was Yanni. His flowing dark hair and piercing gaze made me swoon. I know, I know... but I was only 13!
9. My sister is my pride and joy. I'm so honored to be her big sister.
10. I'm secretly addicted to South Park (and I curse like a sailor in private)
11. Favorite cuss word: F*ck
12. I graduated with a double major in Political Science and Classical Studies with a minor in Latin American Studies from Tulane U.
13. My biggest fear is losing my loved ones. My second biggest fear is Alzheimer's
14. I was once offered my weight in gold as part of a marriage proposal at the ripe old age of 7. The proposal came from a minor Saudi Prince for his little 10 yr old princeling.
15. My mother almost died giving birth to me.
16. I can't resist chocolate. My favorite is dark.
17. Favorite sounds: laughter, champagne glasses clinking, crystal clear sound of the oboe, birds chirping, contended sighs, bells chiming
18. I left a piece of me in New Orleans. I would love to move back someday.
19. Jack comes home everyday with a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye. I adore him for it.
20. I love the name Charlotte. I dream of chubby babies with Jack's blue eyes.
21. I once had a boy in high school tell me I was a "diamond in the rough". I told him to shove it where the sun don't shine.
22. My mother's family grows coffee.
23. My first memory is flying high on my Dad's shoulders
24. The desert is my preferred landscape. Or something hot, even if humid
25. I envy those that have a clear purpose in life
26. I have a deep aversion to peas, papaya and stale beer
27. My favorite piece of music is Nimrod (enigma variations) by Elgar
28. I love receiving packages.. tied up in strings!
29. I gave myself a tattoo when I was 8 yrs old. I held a felt tip pen to the palm of my hand until I got bored. Then I couldn't wash the ink off:) It looks like a little birthmark!
30. I love Regency romance novels.
31. I love the feel of a light breeze and sunshine on my face
32. Museums overwhelm me
33. I have a ugly cry face. I hate it when people see me cry
34. I love to cook for my husband. He eats everything I make (except my meatloaf)
35. If I had been born a boy my parents would have named me Garret Peter
36. I wear too much black. Enough to pass as a New Yorker
37. My dad turned down an offer from a major television studio when I was little. Dammit, I could have been a child star!
38. I am strangely attached to my worn-out pair of boots. I refuse to throw them away. They have taken me many places
39. I 'd love to live abroad again. This time Europe.. maybe Paris or Vienna?
40. Fresh faced is the way to go! I obsess over beauty products but am casual about make-up
41. One of my favorite places in the world is Saintes-Maries-de-la Mer located in the Camargue region of France. I visited as a teenager and it had a huge impact on how I wanted to live. Which is to the fullest.
42. Favorite smells: home made cookies fresh out of the oven, clean laundry, freshly cut flowers, Jack's natural scent, baby powder, pot of coffee brewing, my mother's perfume
43. If I could choose another career it would be to open my own bookstore/cafe
44. I had a recurring nightmare when I was child. A flying vampire from Turkey (yes the country Turkey) would fly through my window, suck my blood and fly off with me.
45. I hate public outbursts but don't mind public displays of affection
46. My first best friend was from India. She had a tendency to poop in her pants in class. I still loved her though. Her mom made the best samosas.
47. I have a phobia of answering the door
48. I have dance parties.... by myself
49. I love sunsets but prefer the mornings (if I get up early enough!)
50. One of my favorite movies is Auntie Mame